1 HOUR VIDEO COACHING SESSION PER MONTH Sessions will take place the 1st Friday of every month @ 8:30am MST. Email reminders will be sent out prior to sessions.
REAL WORLD TOPICS picked from attendees before each session to present in the group as "key issues"
Q&A last 15 minutes of every call
STRATEGIC GROUP COACHING SESSIONS You will be alongside a community of like-minded professionals with similar aspirations, all with access to the BITNW community private page
INCREASE PROFESSIONAL VALUE Build confidence in your abilities, learn to navigate your career journey and be at the top of your class
HOW TO STAND OUT AMONG YOUR COWORKERS Gain a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to stand out in a crowded room
HOW TO SUCCEED From communication to leadership development, acquire skills that empower you to excel in your field.
FREE COURSE Get a free course from Blue Collar Hero: Asking the Right Questions
DOWNLOAD Must read books for Personal & Professional Transformation, Trusted BITNW Partners, 10 Non-Negotiables for Employees