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Access ALL current, future & past Group Coaching sessions

Here's what you'll get:

  • 1 HOUR VIDEO COACHING SESSION PER MONTH Sessions will take place the 1st Friday of every month @ 8:30am MST. Email reminders will be sent out prior to sessions.

  • REAL WORLD TOPICS picked from attendees before each session to present in the group as "key issues"

  • Q&A last 15 minutes of every call

  • STRATEGIC GROUP COACHING SESSIONS You will be alongside a community of like-minded professionals with similar aspirations, all with access to the BITNW community private page

  • INCREASE PROFESSIONAL VALUE Build confidence in your abilities, learn to navigate your career journey and be at the top of your class

  • HOW TO STAND OUT AMONG YOUR COWORKERS Gain a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to stand out in a crowded room

  • HOW TO SUCCEED From communication to leadership development, acquire skills that empower you to excel in your field.

  • FREE COURSE Get a free course from Blue Collar Hero: Asking the Right Questions

  • DOWNLOAD Must read books for Personal & Professional Transformation, Trusted BITNW Partners, 10 Non-Negotiables for Employees

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